1 June 2023
grader performance monitoring system
Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor, pit performance

Proof Engineers is a company at the forefront of developing advanced technology for the mining industry. Their innovative solutions are helping to revolutionise the way road maintenance is conducted, improving efficiency and reducing costs.
One of their recently developed products is the...
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30 July 2019
Dust Control Efficiency, dust monitoring, haul road dust monitoring, haul road improvement, mobile dust monitor, mobile dust monitoring, pit performance, road condition monitoring
Dust Control Efficiency, Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road development program, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor, pit performance
Haul road specialist Proof Engineers has developed an advanced road building program using the latest technology to design and construct haul roads that can handle high volumes of heavy vehicle traffic and withstand weather erosion.
Launching new technology for the design and...
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29 July 2019
Dust Control Efficiency, dust monitoring, haul road dust monitoring, haul road improvement, mobile dust monitor, mobile dust monitoring, pit performance, road condition monitoring
Dust Control Efficiency, Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road development program, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor, pit performance

New technology for the design and construction of unsealed roads to handle high volumes of heavy vehicle traffic and withstand weather erosion
Haul road specialist Proof Engineers has developed an advanced road building program using the latest technology to design and construct...
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7 March 2019
Dust Control Efficiency, dust monitoring, haul road dust monitoring, haul road improvement, mobile dust monitor, mobile dust monitoring, pit performance, road condition monitoring
Dust Control Efficiency, Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor, pit performance
Successful road condition monitoring systems can assist mining and civil companies manage the condition of their haul roads. There are different methods to improve the condition of haul roads. These methods can be more effective by targeting specific areas of road networks. Technology...
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5 March 2019
Dust Control Efficiency, dust monitoring, haul road dust monitoring, haul road improvement, mobile dust monitor, mobile dust monitoring, pit performance, road condition monitoring
Dust Control Efficiency, Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road development program, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor, pit performance
We believe we have developed the best device for mining and civil operators to monitor haul roads. Dust problems can be kept to a minimum, but have to be managed at all times. Our Road Condition Monitor (RCM) is helping Australian businesses improve haul roads, save time and reduce costs. If you...
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21 February 2019
Dust Control Efficiency, dust monitoring, haul road dust monitoring, haul road improvement, mobile dust monitor, mobile dust monitoring, pit performance, road condition monitoring
Dust Control Efficiency, Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road development program, haul road development programme, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor, pit performance

The simple goal of improving grader productivity and efficiency within a minesite was the basis for a new invention from Proof Engineers. The product, Road Condition Monitor (RCM), enables mining operators to identify key areas for improvement across the minesite.
Proof Engineers Engineering and...
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22 January 2019
Dust Control Efficiency, dust monitoring, haul road dust monitoring, haul road improvement, mobile dust monitor, mobile dust monitoring, pit performance, road condition monitoring
Dust Control Efficiency, Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor, pit performance

A ground-breaking innovation designed by Queensland company Proof Engineers to monitor haul road conditions has been demonstrated by researchers to have the potential to revolutionise the mining industry.
Curtin University WA School of Mines is using Proof Engineers’ Road Condition...
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19 October 2018
Dust Control Efficiency, dust monitoring, haul road dust monitoring, haul road improvement, mobile dust monitor, mobile dust monitoring, pit performance, road condition monitoring
Dust Control Efficiency, Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor, pit performance

A GROWING number of mining companies are implementing state-of-the-art technology to gain an edge on haul road quality control and take the guess work out of road maintenance.
An on-board road monitoring system that records and translates road condition data, without the need for an expensive...
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26 July 2018
Dust Control Efficiency, dust monitoring, haul road dust monitoring, haul road improvement, mobile dust monitor, mobile dust monitoring, pit performance, road condition monitoring
Dust Control Efficiency, Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor, pit performance
Australian companies spend millions of dollars each year trying to manage and control dust production on their work site. Controlling dust production on site, particularly in areas such as haul roads, can be done more effectively when modern monitoring equipment is used. These modern devices are...
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26 July 2018
Dust Control Efficiency, dust monitoring, haul road dust monitoring, haul road improvement, mobile dust monitor, mobile dust monitoring, pit performance, road condition monitoring
Dust Control Efficiency, Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor, pit performance
Controlling the amount of dust that is produced on your work site is not easy, and the best way to reduce soil loss and environmental dust is through the use of dust management services. These are designed to help businesses monitor their site, and maintain areas which are most likely to produce...
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26 July 2018
Dust Control Efficiency, dust monitoring, haul road dust monitoring, haul road improvement, mobile dust monitor, mobile dust monitoring, pit performance, road condition monitoring
Dust Control Efficiency, Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor, pit performance
Haul road design, construction and maintenance guidelines
All industries wish to find ways to reduce costs and increase productivity in a worksite. Well-designed haul roads are a way to achieve this. Designing and managing roads is not always simple but experts in haul road design, construction...
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26 July 2018
Dust Control Efficiency, dust monitoring, haul road dust monitoring, haul road improvement, mobile dust monitor, mobile dust monitoring, pit performance, road condition monitoring
Dust Control Efficiency, Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor, pit performance
Creating the perfect haul road for your construction site is the primary task of the site manager and his team. A good haul road will allow you to bring in and carry out goods easily from the location and a poor one can have a disastrous impact on productivity and employee health, as well as...
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26 July 2018
Dust Control Efficiency, dust monitoring, haul road dust monitoring, haul road improvement, mobile dust monitor, mobile dust monitoring, pit performance, road condition monitoring
Dust Control Efficiency, Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor, pit performance
The importance of designing a quality haul road can mean lower maintenance costs in the future for the upkeep of your site road, but can also maximise production during the lifetime of the road.
There are a lot of aspects to consider on the design of your haulage road, some of which include the...
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26 July 2018
Dust Control Efficiency, dust monitoring, haul road dust monitoring, haul road improvement, mobile dust monitor, mobile dust monitoring, pit performance, road condition monitoring
Dust Control Efficiency, Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor, pit performance
A big challenge in today’s mining industry is how to stay on top of the dusty road conditions on the haulage access roads to mine and industrial sites. Requirements involve making sure that dust suppression systems are staying on top of road conditions, which can ultimately have a big...
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25 July 2018
Dust Control Efficiency, dust monitoring, haul road dust monitoring, haul road improvement, mobile dust monitor, mobile dust monitoring, pit performance, road condition monitoring
Dust Control Efficiency, Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor, pit performance
Industries that utilise open-air mining and quarrying produce a lot of dust. Some of this ends up in the atmosphere, and there is air quality legislation in force in Australia that can impinge on these industries quite severely. All operators have a responsibility to be aware of their obligations...
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25 July 2018
Dust Control Efficiency, dust monitoring, haul road dust monitoring, haul road improvement, mobile dust monitor, mobile dust monitoring, pit performance, road condition monitoring
Dust Control Efficiency, Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor, pit performance
The ancient Romans were famous for their long straight roads. Fields, hills, dips, woods – whatever was in their way they would just plough straight through it. Today’s roadbuilders however, build their roads according to the environment in which they find themselves. This is...
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25 July 2018
Dust Control Efficiency, dust monitoring, haul road dust monitoring, haul road improvement, mobile dust monitor, mobile dust monitoring, pit performance, road condition monitoring
Dust Control Efficiency, Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor, pit performance
Designing a whole road to make the best of existing ground services and available material requires the assistance of professionals. These professionals will create the best unpaved road design that aims to reduce dust production, and generate less environmental damage while also providing a...
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24 July 2018
Dust Control Efficiency, dust monitoring, haul road dust monitoring, haul road improvement, mobile dust monitor, mobile dust monitoring, pit performance, road condition monitoring
Dust Control Efficiency, Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor, pit performance
How do I Manage Dust on a Haul Road?
Dust is a major hazard in mines, quarries and roadway construction sites. It is a hazard to humans who can suffer from a variety of respiratory illnesses as a result of it. It is a hazard to driving safety as vision can be obscured and it is a hazard to...
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7 February 2018
Dust Control Efficiency, dust monitoring, haul road dust monitoring, haul road improvement, mobile dust monitor, mobile dust monitoring, road condition monitoring
Dust Control Efficiency, Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor

Queensland-based Proof Engineers has teamed up with Curtin University's WA school of Mines (WASM) on a new road monitoring device, the Road Condition Monitor (RCM).
The project, led by Curtin WA School of Mining professor Roger Thompson and his researchers, has been in development for...
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20 December 2017
Dust Control Efficiency, dust monitoring, haul road dust monitoring, haul road improvement, mobile dust monitor, mobile dust monitoring, pit performance, road condition monitoring
Dust Control Efficiency, Proof Engineers, dust control, dust efficiency, dust management services, haul road dust monitor, haul road improvement, live stream data, mine site haul roads, mobile device, mobile dust monitor, pit performance

A ground-breaking innovation designed by Queensland company Proof Engineers to monitor haul road conditions has been demonstrated by researchers to have the potential to revolutionise the mining industry.
Curtin University WA School of Mines is using Proof Engineers’ Road Condition Monitor...
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